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 Hong Kong Business Directory
Diamond Registry

chiu lung street 9, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Phone: 852 21165311

Fax: 852 21165312

Email Diamond Registry

About Diamond Registry

Established January 1961

The world's most comprehensive diamond price and information platform. Helping individuals to find the perfect diamond, buying directly from the source at wholesale prices.
Our service streamlines worldwide diamond sales and supply so you can easily and quickly purchase or sell every quality, size and shape of diamond to fit your needs.

The Diamond Registry provides high quality service by creating a bridge between the wholesale diamond industry and the consumer. Through The Diamond Registry the consumers can buy GIA certified loose diamonds at wholesale prices. In addition, the consumers cna create jewelry with a highly experienced team of in-house jewelry designers. In other words, the service gives the public more control and allowas them to buy diamonds closer to the source which means they do not have to pay the inflated retail prices of "branded diamonds". With over 50 years of experience, The Diamond Registry has proven a reliable, careful, precise and personal service.
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