By Samkung Web Design

10/12/2024 Hello! I'm a passionate website developer with over 10 years of experience creating and managing a diverse range of websites. Throughout my career, I've had the pleasure of overseeing numerous project...
By Debin Leather

07/17/2024 Founded in 2018, Debin Leather is your ultimate destination for the finest leather products and accessories. Based out of Hong Kong, our journey began with a team of passionate dreamers and doers, uni...
By Techland Computer Systems Ltd.
02/16/2024 甚麼是OMO (Online merge Offline),這個新營商模式對零售業帶來甚麼影響?商家怎樣利用最新的資訊科技, 包括ERP, POS等系統體現OMO行銷,提升業績呢?What is OMO...
By Techland Computer Systems Ltd.
02/16/2024 同仁堂是中國極具盛名的老字號中藥店,具有數百年歷史。自一九九一年至今,同仁堂已於香港開設了70多家分店,除了銷售藥材及中成藥外,部份分店...
By Techland Computer Systems Ltd.
02/16/2024 BRAND OFF是一家日本大型二手奢侈品零售商,出售如: 愛馬仕、香奈兒、路易威登等奢侈品牌的商品。為了能夠更有效管理客戶資訊,並整合線上、線下業...
By Caluanie Muelear 氧化制造商

01/15/2024 什么是 Caluanie Muelear 氧化Caluanie Muelear Oxidize 是一种强大的化合物, 用于多种工业和商业应用。 它因其能够分解最坚硬的材料而受到赞誉, 使其成为许多...
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