30 Man Tai Street, Whampoa Estate, Hung Hom, Hong Kong

Phone: +852 2330 7566
Fax: +852 2627 0202
About Hung Hom Veterinary Clinic 紅磡獸醫診所
Established January 2012
Hung Hom Veterinary Clinicis one of the longest established vet clinics in Hong Kong. We believe that by working together with you, the pets' owners or guardians, we will provide the high quality, ethical care that our pets need and deserve. Hence our motto, "Together, we care for what matters".
Please visit our website www.hhvc.com.hk for guidance about your pets' health and advice about different diseases, how to care for pets before and after operations, and online repeat prescription and pet food/diets ordering. New clients can register online so that we will be ready for you when you make your first visit.
紅磡獸醫診所 是香港歷史最悠久的獸醫診所之一。自1993年遷至紅磡以來,我們已為無數的九龍、新界及香港島的寵物提供專科門診、 手術、留院和深切治療獸醫護理服務。
我們深信,只有與寵物主人或監護人攜手合作,我們才能提供寵物應得、需要和符合道德標準的悉心關懷。因此我們的座右銘: 「與您,關愛牠的一切」。
我們建立診所網站 ( www.hhvc.com.hk ) ,旨在為全港的寵物主人提供最佳的資訊來源。
希望藉著此網站,為您提供有關貓隻、狗隻、兔子與龍貓飼養指南、常見疾病及病徵提示、寵物手術前後的護理,以及保持寵物健康快樂的方法等。凡有意飼養新寵物的人士,都歡迎詳閱這些文章,從中了解如何負責任地照顧新寵物。 現有客戶可發電郵聯絡我們,要求處方相同藥物。新客戶可以網上掛號,以便我們時歡迎您首次光臨。
Please visit our website www.hhvc.com.hk for guidance about your pets' health and advice about different diseases, how to care for pets before and after operations, and online repeat prescription and pet food/diets ordering. New clients can register online so that we will be ready for you when you make your first visit.
紅磡獸醫診所 是香港歷史最悠久的獸醫診所之一。自1993年遷至紅磡以來,我們已為無數的九龍、新界及香港島的寵物提供專科門診、 手術、留院和深切治療獸醫護理服務。
我們深信,只有與寵物主人或監護人攜手合作,我們才能提供寵物應得、需要和符合道德標準的悉心關懷。因此我們的座右銘: 「與您,關愛牠的一切」。
我們建立診所網站 ( www.hhvc.com.hk ) ,旨在為全港的寵物主人提供最佳的資訊來源。
希望藉著此網站,為您提供有關貓隻、狗隻、兔子與龍貓飼養指南、常見疾病及病徵提示、寵物手術前後的護理,以及保持寵物健康快樂的方法等。凡有意飼養新寵物的人士,都歡迎詳閱這些文章,從中了解如何負責任地照顧新寵物。 現有客戶可發電郵聯絡我們,要求處方相同藥物。新客戶可以網上掛號,以便我們時歡迎您首次光臨。
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Products & Services
‣ Animal de-sex ‣ Animal X-Ray ‣ Digital dental X-ray ‣ Export Services ‣ Flea and tick control ‣ Health checks ‣ Heartworm prevention ‣ Hong Kong Vet ‣ Hung Hom Vet ‣ Kowloon vet ‣ Parasite prevention ‣ Pet care advice ‣ Pet neuter / de-sex ‣ Pets diet ‣ Rabies Vaccination ‣ Second opinions ‣ Sick dog ‣ Ultrasonography ‣ Vet ‣ Veterinary Clinic
Latest Articles/News
11/15/2010 Sometimes it is easy to decide that a pet needs to visit the clinic. We may see a sudden change or sense that our pet is not happy or behaving normally. In addition there are many routine reasons why a pet should be seen. As the owner of a pet it is ... Read More »
11/15/2010 Hung Hom Veterinary Clinic aims to provide the very best health care to your pet by constantly improving our knowledge, equipment and facilities. We want to help you care for what matters and give your pets a healthy life! Our vets regularly attend t... Read More »
10 reasons to come to Hung Hom Veterinary Clinic
11/15/2010 Here are 10 good reasons why you should decide to trust Hung Hom Veterinary Clinic to care for your pet's health because, "Together, we care for what matters".1. Long HeritageHung Hom Veterinary Clinic is one of the longest established vet clinics in... Read More »
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