223 more results for 'Kowloon, Hong Kong'
Kowloon, Hong Kong
由九龍閩南中華基督教會所主辦的非牟利幼稚園,分為上午班及全日班。我們深信每個孩子都有 恩賜,都有才能,都可以教育,都可以造就。我們致力培育學生在「德、智、體、群、美和靈命 」各方面發展。以基督的愛為本,�…
Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
徐國勳生態遊踪於1998年組成,目的為推動本港發展生態旅遊。透過各種戶外生態環境考察活動 ,致力推動及發展一個完善及正確的生態教育理念,同時不斷發掘及尋找香港境內更多有價值及值得考察的地點,目標希望能教導參�…
Kowloon, Hong Kong
中醫推薦在調理過程的基本思想是強身防病,要達到中醫所說防微杜漸治未病,中醫推介普門堂中醫養生館,是現代少有具中醫調理養生的服務的中醫診所。Email Id:info@pumentong.com.hkSocial Media:https://www.instagram.com/pumentong/https://www.yo…
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Opening Hours:
Monday to Sunday 11:00-21:30【NSLuxury】全港人氣No1,愛洛斯專業定製各種戒指,鑽戒,情侶對戒,婚戒定製,求婚戒指,Facebook超過11萬Like,提供GIA認證鑽石,每顆皆通過嚴苛品質鑑定,由國際機構認可,全屬天然美鑽…
Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
ITIS在31年內累積了在多式物流營運、管理知識及軟件開發經驗,提供網上及移動的貨運、貨運總代理、車隊、庫存、貨運站、物流會計等等的管理系統, 連同貨物追蹤、預報關功能的全程物流解決方案。Phone Number:+852 5972 2099…
Kowloon, Hong Kong
The public's awareness and demand for maintaining heart health continues to increase. The Hong Kong Cardiology Specialist Center has emerged as the times require. It provides examination and treatment for patients with heart disease, including ultrasound, cardiology specialist consultations, tongbo,…
Kowloon, Hong Kong
香港寵物專業學院在2016年成立, 提供一站式的寵物相關課程, 是香港認可的寵物學校. 所有導師教學經驗都超過5年或以上,
完成課程後我們亦會提供實習場地並可提供就業轉介, 讓學生愉工作於娛樂…
Kowloon, Hong Kong
奧迪聽力中心竭力為滿足不同人士的需要,提供最全面的聽覺服務,當中包括各種聽力測試、全數碼助聽器驗配、耳鳴評估及治療服務、耳模和耳塞訂造等。Audi Hearing Center strives to provide the most comprehensive hearing services to meet the ne…
Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
公司實力專業團隊作為學科後盾,並由擁十多年的博士級職業寫手專業操刀,非AI生成且非中介,為您的畢業論文(Dissertation/Thesis)、功課(Assignment)和期終作業(Final Year Project [FYP])提供強大支援。免費個案評估,提供適切建議及解�…
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Kowloon City, Hong Kong
The principle of our company is to provide delicious and healthy food at reasonable prices. Therefore, customers can indicate the amount of oil, salt, sugar and MSG of various foods (less oil / less sugar / less salty / no MSG). In addition, the food provided by the company is manufactured in licens…
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Gogo Herbs創辦人Stella生於醫藥世家,從事醫藥相關行業達20年,一直都在通訊軟件群組為身邊親友推薦世界各地不同保健產品。眼見現今社會對保健品的需求日益增加,決定成立Gogo
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
「萌 B 殿堂」網店專營日本直送優質嬰幼兒產品,產品包括嬰兒食品、BB口罩、兒童口罩、益智玩具、教具、學習冊、文具、日常用品、童裝、BB尿片拉拉褲、學習褲、清潔用品、護理用品、學習杯、家品、營養補充品等母嬰用�…
Kowloon, Hong Kong
We offer recycled polyester fabric & top women's clothes in a range of sizes. We invite you to browse our collection through the webshop for more specific brands. Fashion made from recycled and ECO-friendly fabric for sustainability ideas. Upgrade your wardrobe with our wide range of high-qualit…
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Ace Hero is a women's fashion clothing brand, based in Hong Kong. Founded in 2020, Ace Hero is a destination for style, offering classy and quality clothing. Our experienced in-house design team pride itself on producing high-quality essentials and fashion-forward pieces. Our collections are distinc…
Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
AMK International Corporation Ltd., an established Hong Kong based engineering company founded in 2003, specializes in the design and installation of premium imported architectural products for the medical, hospitality, commercial, performing arts, and educational markets in Hong Kong, Macau, Singap…
Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Alcohol Please Whisky
Shop HK Hong Kong recommends the most recommended Whisky, Red Wine, Rum,
Cognac, Spirits. Buy the most cost-effective Hong Kong whisky tasting at the
best price. As long as you want to drink the best Whisky recommendation, you
must go to our Kowloon Bay Hong Kong whisky sto…
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Alpha Space坐落於黃金地段的商業大廈,交通便利,鄰近設施充足。除了提供舒適的工作環境和專業支援外,Alpha也匯聚來自不同行業的創業家,讓創業家在此擴展您的社交網絡,建立良好的人脈關係,認識您的合作伙伴。Alpha讓創…
Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Alto Products 是一間擁有豐富經驗的香港禮品訂製公司,專為各大小公司企業、