67 more results for 'Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong'
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Hemp4Paws.Asia 由「加拿大」引入並推出寵物CBD產品目的是幫助寵物調理身體,令牠們可以重拾健康狀態。根據外國研究發現大麻油(火麻)在治療一些疾病方面是非常安全及有效。Hemp4Paws.Asia寵物CBD使命是提供一種源自大自然的天然…
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
新都醫護 The Care 提供上門醫護服務, 為有需要或選擇在家安老和治療的人士提供醫護人員上門護理服務。 醫護團隊包括醫生(普通科及專科)、護士、保健員、物理治療師、職業治療師、心理輔導、月嫂、陪診員等醫護人員。…
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Xindu Medical Care The Care provides on-site medical care services, providing on-site care services by medical staff for those in need or who choose to age and treat at home. The medical care team includes doctors (general and specialist), nurses, health workers, physiotherapists, occupational thera…
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
創新於2018年成立,提供最高性價比的產品給本地物管市場,代理之地毯及雨傘乾燥機更為大量物管公司選用,亦同時銷售出色的消毒防疫產品。Email Id:candy@arteespinahk.com…
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
想係屋企叫外賣燒肉?來自日本宮崎嘅有田精肉所係你最好嘅選擇!我哋主打宮崎日本得獎有田和牛直送到家。立即order,只需3個鐘就可以喺屋企都食到日本農場真送嘅美味,品嚐Tasty!Quick!Light Premium!嘅用餐體驗,即刻click入嚟…
New Territories, Hong Kong
匡時牙科中心位於荃灣及銅鑼灣 服務範圍包括:全科牙科、口腔頜面外科、放射診療、矯齒科、修復齒科、牙周病科、牙髓治療科和兒童齒科 應診時間: 星期一至星期日 10am -7pm 敬請預約Phone Number:+852 2806 2303Address:銅鑼灣渣甸街5…
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
齊仁牙科中⼼設備完善,荃灣牙科醫生提供牙科治療。包括杜牙根、種植牙、隱適美牙齒矯正、洗/補/脫牙、脫智慧齒、牙周病治療等等。Keywords:牙醫, 荃灣牙醫診所, 荃灣牙科, 洗牙, 補牙, 植牙, all-on-4, 箍牙, 隱適美, 智慧齒Social …
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Tsuen Wan, N.t., Hong Kong
Store Friendly Self Storage Group was founded in 2002. As of today it operates over 130 branches around Asia covered in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore and Shanghai, and over 90 branches around Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. Store Friendly aimed to provide superior mini storage s…
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
環宇COSMOS移民搬屋公司擁有超過20年國際海外搬屋經驗,口碑不絕。我們公司採用優質堅固紙箱,並提供多次上門收箱服務,給予正計劃移民搬屋的您,高效快捷、安全的國際搬運體驗。Services/Keywords:移民搬運, 移民搬運公司, 移…
Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong
LAB GROWN DIAMONDS - DIABOND provide the future jewelries with sustainable diamonds which have the same Phyiscal, Chemical and Optical properties as mined diamonds.全港最大培育鑽石連鎖店DIABOND 為您配上閃爍動人的培育鑽石,讓我們令您愛上簡單而不平凡、高貴而…
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
DareTaste致力從世界各地引入不同種類的美食、飲品、零食、特產,每樣都是非一般的滋味。喜愛飲食的你,只要你敢試,從中一定可發掘到生活的甜酸苦辣。DareTaste is committed to introducing different kinds of food, drinks, snacks, and specialtie…
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
The latest Ambow box series offers in 2022, enjoy the most cost-effective enjoyment at the best price. Super powerful functions, improved picture quality, faster connection to watch and more comprehensive programs, newly upgraded processor and increased memory capacity, with Android 10 system, with …
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Fluxus Productions is a Hong Kong based video and event production house that provides creative multimedia solutions focused on the younger generation. We use our strong connections with the student community and its mindsets to incorporate ideas from the youth with the latest professional technolog…
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
鋒主義為雲通環球有限公司旗下品牌,提供專業家居及商業室內設計咨詢服務。服務對象包括商業和個人客戶,並提供同業咨詢服務。Fengism is a brand of Yuntong Global Co., Ltd., providing professional home and commercial interior design consulting servi…
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Gift Hampers Hong Kong is dedicated to providing excellent service, and our commitment includes free delivery to all of Hong Kong’s metropolitan areas.When it comes to sending a welcoming gift, nothing beats the joy found in one of our signature hampers. No holiday or special occasion is complete …
Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong
Great Bright International Holdings Limited
(GBIH) is the No. 95 member of the Hong Kong Bullion Trade Fair and an
authorized electronic dealer of the Hong Kong Bullion Trade Fair.We provide
24-hour London gold, silver and RMB kilogram bar online transactions, all kinds
of professional, fast and…
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Global Core is a licensed Trust or Company Service Provider in Hong Kong that offers professional and efficient secretarial and business support services, as well as information technology services. We also assist entrepreneurs in setting up their overseas branch in Hong Kong with our one-stop shop …