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medical cosmetology

6 more results for medical cosmetology

醫賞醫療 Medical Appreciation Clinic

Mongkok, Hong Kong
Since its establishment in 2018, it has been sought after by customers with its perfect effect and reputation. Medical Appreciation Medical adopts the medical beauty equipment and technology approved by the international professional FDA and the European Union CE. To provide the best service and exp…

CLINICZ - Beyond Medical Beauty

Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
CLINICZ - Beyond Medical Beauty
原美如同鑽石,歷經時光仍綻放永恆璀璨光芒。CLINIICZ,突破傳統醫學美容,以獨有最新科技,為亞洲女性量膚定制水原共生療程,創造經得起歲月考驗的年輕美麗。The original beauty is like a diamond, and it still shines with eternal brilliance…

CLINICZ - Beyond Medical Beauty

Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
原美如同鑽石,歷經時光仍綻放永恆璀璨光芒。CLINIICZ,突破傳統醫學美容,以獨有最新科技,為亞洲女性量膚定制水原共生療程,創造經得起歲月考驗的年輕美麗。Phone Number+852 6221 8265Address :香港銅鑼灣金朝陽中心18樓Social Media…

La La Beauty+

Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
La La Beauty+
自2006年創立至今,LaLa Beauty+ 一直為每位女性提供最專業、貼心的美容服務。14年來,不斷提升服務質素,引入嶄新尖端科技儀器,更增加筋膜按摩、韓國無針埋線、PlaSon 等離子面部護理等服務療程。累積超過8萬顧客會員人次…

SurrFACE Medical 醫學美容中心

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
SurrFACE Medical 的美麗使命,我們承諾以專業、貼心的態度,使客戶得到最優質嘅美容體驗,堅持正廠正貨,良心企業,不硬銷,沒有隱藏收費!客人滿意的笑容,是我們最大的鼓舞!Phone Number:+852 9089 6277…


Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
re-tens 時刻給予妳們一個身心調整及外在重塑的時機,在舒適時尚的環境下,得到先進高效的科技儀器療程、再結合名醫微調注射等,讓令妳重拾自信,成就更完美。Welcome to call the customer service hotline. Our senior skin care consultants are…