3 more results for Psychotherapist
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Omni Mind Gym 全邁進心理服務匯集香港心理學專家及精神科專科醫生,憑藉多年的豐富臨床經驗和先進科學理念,用心為本港巿民、家庭、機構及學校提供一個專業、可信、綜合的心理服務平台。Omni
Mind Gym 全邁進心理服務致力為…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Soul Wholly 擁有資深心理輔導員,具多年臨床心理輔導經驗,我們心理輔導推介非傳統的催眠方法,定能助您從創傷陰影、情緒抑鬱走出來。我們的心理輔導收費合理,如能透過幾節的情緒輔導拆解到您十多年的心結,是非常值得…
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Winnie is a Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist practicing in Hong Kong. Specializing in counselling, couples, sexuality and cognitive therapy.Keywords:Psychotherapist Hong Kong, Family therapist Hong Kong, Therapist Hong Kong, Psychologist Hong Kong, Clinical psychologist Hong Kong, Couples t…