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Restaurant licensing

2 more results for Restaurant licensing

K&C Creation - Interior Design & Construction Contracting

Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong
K&C Creation - Interior Design & Construction Contracting
K&C is an interior design agency that has been operating in Hong Kong since 1996. The founder, Tadashi Kono San established K&C with a design attitude is deeply rooted in the Japanese design tradition, matched by a dedicated and skillful Hong Kong & Japanese team of design professio…


Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong
食肆設計裝修代辦牌照,符合政府部門規格,亞洲餐飲牌照顧問工程公司助你輕鬆創業,我們提供免費牌照資詢顧問服務,免費睇舖報價,請即致電5616 8328查詢。Social Media:…