61 more results for 'Causeway Bay , Hong Kong'
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
LAMIX Medical – 全肌齡美學復修專家,精挑不同大型連鎖美容店國際認可儀器,由擁有超過 12 年的醫美學團隊,為你打造輕熟肌齡3種美 ;「淨肌美」、「內在美」、「輪廓美」,照顧你不同階段的肌底需要,復修年輕肌齡。Social…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
MediLASE breaks through the new standard of hair removal, with unique dual-effect cooling laser hair removal technology, and the newly launched medical formula skin quality improvement treatment, fully revealing the true white and flawless texture of the skin, and easily showing perfect confidence…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Milestone|3 was founded on the principle that individuals in the workplace have incredible potential to outperform – and we focus on unlocking that potential.Our consultants have transformed executives, professional consultants and industry experts to become inspiring leaders, win major commercial…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Miusee Medical香港醫學美容中心提供一系列國際認可的輕醫美療程,採用原廠儀器及先進技術,過程安全可靠。立即預約諮詢一系列的輕醫美服務,讓我們中心為你度身訂造合適的醫學美容療程。Services:醫學美容, 輕醫美, thermage flx…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Venture into the world of e-commerce with NUXEC, your gateway to Amazon success. Founded by experts in e-commerce and digital marketing, NUXEC was created to address the unique challenges businesses face in online marketing, particularly on Amazon. Specializing in Amazon account management and amazo…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
OONIQUE is a membership based co-studying and co-working space. Located in Causeway Bay, provides a holistic environment, stylish and functional zoning for different needs.共享學習/工作空間 OONIQUE 位於銅鑼灣核心地帶(港鐵C出口),一個隨時在忙亂中唞唞氣再繼續的…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
OSL Hong Kong (HK) is the largest digital asset website, providing prime brokerage, currency trading in Hong Kong, custody, exchange, and SaaS services for institutional clients and professional investors. We are backed by BC Technology Group (stock code: 863 HK), Asia’s only listed, SFC-licensed,…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
At Profound
Tutors we are dedicated to providing a higher standard of tuition to help our
students achieve their full potential. Our methodology is rigorous and
motivated by a desire to ensure academic achievement and self actualisation.
Since 2019 we have been helping students in Hong Kong gai…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Founded by Ex-Googler, SINGSEO is an SEO agency based in Hong Kong, providing unique SEO services regcognized by Google. Page 1 Guarantee for 500+ clients. Free SEO Consultation!Phone Number:+852 5743 0073…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Soul Wholly 擁有資深心理輔導員,具多年臨床心理輔導經驗,我們心理輔導推介非傳統的催眠方法,定能助您從創傷陰影、情緒抑鬱走出來。我們的心理輔導收費合理,如能透過幾節的情緒輔導拆解到您十多年的心結,是非常值得…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Soul Wholly has a senior psychological counselor with many years of clinical psychological counseling experience. Our psychological counseling recommends non-traditional hypnotic methods, which will definitely help you get out of the shadow of trauma and depression. Our psychological counseling char…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
SurrFACE Medical 的美麗使命,我們承諾以專業、貼心的態度,使客戶得到最優質嘅美容體驗,堅持正廠正貨,良心企業,不硬銷,沒有隱藏收費!客人滿意的笑容,是我們最大的鼓舞!Phone Number:+852 9089 6277…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
The Korner 是香港本地品牌,創立於2015年,主張 less stock more choice 與 make shoes in your way 既理念。不論顏色或碼數都提供足夠的選擇,以主打鞋款Driving shoes為例,設計有二,分別是蝴蝶和一字款,尺碼由34-46,顏色多達20多種,並配…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tiger San is a hip Japanese restaurant in Hong Kong that offers a unique Japanese curry which can only be described by three words: “Sweet… Spicy… Good!” Based on Chef Satoru's childhood experiences of the original Japanese curries from Osaka, he has perfected a unique combination of 26 spic…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
「aec 教育顧問」前身為(前身為澳洲新南威爾斯大學全資直屬機構 - 澳洲教育顧問),於1987 年成立,致力提供教育諮詢及協助有意到海外升學的學生辦理一切升學事宜。AEC 的「一站式升學服務」:提供院校課程資料,包括英語課…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Interior design and architecture: Award-winning project and design management services.archiparti is a ‘fully managed’ online work system that operates as a layer on top of crowd, old fashioned design & build industry. It is the first platform built around a network of expert project manager…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
archiparti empowers
one-person design firm. From corporates, small teams to one person firms, the
world is changing - Gig Economy, Workation, Remote teams - there has been a
macro shift towards a new way of work, we are enabling designers in the
traditional design and build industry to go indepe…
Causeway Bay , Hong Kong
在 OneEssential,我們以客戶的健康為首要目標。作為銅鑼灣物理治療診所,我們的服務涵蓋頸背痛、頭痛、術後復康等多方面需求。由許謀熙(Alan Hui)治療師領導,我們提供細緻的評估與個人化療程,幫助每位客戶重拾健康與活…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
SEO company in Hong Kong. Our agency provide Search Engine Optimization services.Social Media:https://www.instagram.com/arcopix_seo/?hl=en…
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Bloom & Song is a reputable Hong Kong florist, providing HK flower delivery to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. Bloom & Song has become the trusted florist for sending flower bouquets for all of life's most special occasions including romantic flowers, anniversary flowers and c…