109 more results for 'Kwun Tong , Hong Kong'
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Junhong Electrical Repair-Your electrical appliances are maintained with our heart. Hong Kong Junhong Electrical Repair is a local electrical repair company in Hong Kong. We professionally provide on-site repairs of various household electrical and commercial electrical repairs, professional repairs…
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Cartridge Direct LTD is a Recognised online cartridge shop in Hong Kong provides, HP Ink, brother toner, Epson cartridge canon printer, Epson ink, image drum, and High volume cartridges online. We are directly connected as a distributor with well-known companies like HP, HP 955xl, Epson, Canon, and …
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
One-stop catering industry license and design consultant: professionally identify various types of catering licenses, food factories, snack restaurants, restaurant licenses and liquor licenses with a success rate of 100%. Free site inspection before renting, interior design, licensing procedures, re…
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
CleaningPapa 清潔吧 | 專業除甲醛服務 | 一站式家居商業清潔服務 | 納入環保署 IAQ Information Centre 室內空氣質素服務承辦商名錄Phone Number:+852 9099 5166Social Media:https://www.instagram.com/cleaningpapa.hk/…
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Coffee Public 是一個概念也是一個實質的平台,我們希望透過這個平台,讓公眾可以學習、感受及投入咖啡這片有無限變化和樂趣的領域。Contact Mail ID:coffeepublicltd@gmail.comSocial Media:https://www.instagram.com/coffeepublicltd/…
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
售賣各大品牌隱形眼鏡;保證原裝正貨;歡迎網頁直接下單;電話查詢:68817203 /92962691;電郵查詢:conlensstation@gmail.comSell major brands of contact lenses; guarantee the original authentic goods; welcome to place anorder directly on the website; telephone i…
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Core Fashion提供新娘化妝、婚禮化妝、宴會化妝、身分證化妝等造型,亦有開辦新娘化妝課程,個人化妝課程,擅長高級妝感。Social Media:https://www.instagram.com/co.refashion/…
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
100%全天然, 香港首間獸醫指定狗狗鮮食。人食用級食材,份量定製訂購。香港即訂即煮, 新鮮運送。100% Natural, Fresh & Healthy Dog Food. Vet designedSocial Media:https://www.instagram.com/dogalicious.petfood/…
Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
ETEX RESOURCES of the leading professional building material suppliers founded in Hong Kong. 20 years while maintaining high quality.imported carpet, carpet, carpet hong kong, carpet supplier, carpet company, carpet flooring, carpet tiles, office carpet, vinyl flooring, wallcovering…
Kwun Tong District, Hong Kong
Enlego: Online English Courses with Native TeachersWe here at Enlego understand that everyone learns languages differently.
Language acquisition is a complicated process, and so we decided to offer our
students a highly personalized online English course experience for learning English.
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
FGA信託是一家提供信託服務的獨立供應商,放眼全球,主要服務地區包括橫跨香港、新加坡及杜拜三大國際金融中心,為機構和高資產淨值的個人及其家族提供特定的信託服務。 金融科技信託資產管理平台可管理您的所有資產…
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
從此,HR不再是大企業專利 - 我們專注為香港中小企業提供完整人力資源外判,人才管理諮詢及一站式人力資源服務。Keywords:人力資源, 人力資源公司, hr 公司, 請人, 招聘, 獵頭, 人力資源外判, 公司出糧, 人力資源系統, 大灣區開…
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
We Fwone provide professional IT Consulting, helpdesk support and data management services for eight Operation Hub include Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and 60 sites throughout Greater China over 17 years. In addition, we have strategic partners to serve…
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
GMA Home 是服務香港零售客戶的品牌。作為歐洲瓷磚一線廠家代理,以大批量入囗材料提供海、內外工程,輔以樓上舖模式營運直銷,產品定價極具競爭力,比市面上同類產品定價低約30%。Phone Number:+852 5118 3488…
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
GUM is a boutique consulting firm which provides solutions to corporates on MPF and employee benefits. We focus on people and that is why we put U in the very core of our brand GUM…
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Gaz Jones is a Hong Kong art director and photographer. Gaz specializes in food, commercial, portrait & event photography. Born in the UK, Gaz has lived in Hong Kong since 1990.Food photography is my job and passion. I like to compose beautiful plates. I believe that food must look appetizing an…
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
作為獲得日本官方認可Gippro HK日本電子煙牌子香港代理,我們為你推薦Gippro霧化煙的官方正品產品,只需要在家中簡單一Click,就能輕鬆享受優質產品!…
Kwun Tong , Hong Kong
egg is a Popular wireless 4G Network it also connected any location of Hong
Kong and Taiwan area. Buy Wifi 4G Hotspot from SONGWIFI at $52. Get 4G speed on Non-4G devices, it can connect upto 10
devices. Buy wifi hotspot now!
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
HK Repair Services, 您身邊的電器維修專家。We
specialize in professional repair services for all types of household
appliances. 憑借精湛的技術、豐富的經驗和高效的服務,我們為您解決電器故障難題。Whether
it's commercial appliances or home app…