By Techland Computer Systems Ltd.
12/23/2021 受新冠疫情影響,在家煮食的市民較以住多,能存放較長時間的急凍食品需求顯著增加,加上香港人對食品品質要求愈來愈高,市面上多了不少專買優質冷凍食品的店舖。最近,科域就為此類零售店引進資訊科技系統協助日常業務運作
Affected by the epidemic, more people cook at home that result a significant increase in the demand for frozen food. In addition, Hong Kong people also concern on the quality of food, there are more retail store selling high-quality frozen food. Recently, Techland introduced information systems for such retail stores to assist in daily business operations.
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Techland Computer Systems Ltd.

Why TECHLAND?30 Year Experience3,000 Successful ClientsOver 100 Business & IT ProfessionalsAward winning ERP & IT SolutionsBest Practice Solutions for 20 over IndustriesTechland Computer Systems Limited is one of the market leaders of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution serving the e…
OMO新零售模式 打通虛實全通道提升業績 | New Trend of OMO Retail with integrated ERP & POS system
百年藥業革新 同仁堂零售管理數碼化 | Digital Transformation of Tong Ren Tang
BRAND OFF引進OMO零售系統方案 優化客戶關係管理 | BRAND OFF enhance CRM with OMO retail system solution
香港品牌嘗琉珍 啟動O2O新零售模式 Local Hong Kong’s Brand – “TART ADDICT” O2O System Solution
Enhance Customer Experience with Omni-Channel Sales Strategy
Opportunity Out of the Adverse - Cloud ERP System & E-commerce Solution