By Techland Computer Systems Ltd.
02/16/2024 BRAND OFF是一家日本大型二手奢侈品零售商,出售如: 愛馬仕、香奈兒、路易威登等奢侈品牌的商品。為了能夠更有效管理客戶資訊,並整合線上、線下業務與庫存管理,BRAND OFF決定引進科域OMO (Online Merge Offline) 零售管理方案。
BRAND OFF is a leading Japanese second-hand luxury goods retailer, selling commodities from luxury brands such as Hermes, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton. In order to effectively manage customer information, integrate online and offline operations, and streamline inventory management, BRAND OFF has decided to introduce Techland’s OMO (Online Merge Offline) retail solution.
Techland Computer Systems Ltd.

Why TECHLAND?30 Year Experience3,000 Successful ClientsOver 100 Business & IT ProfessionalsAward winning ERP & IT SolutionsBest Practice Solutions for 20 over IndustriesTechland Computer Systems Limited is one of the market leaders of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution serving the e…
OMO新零售模式 打通虛實全通道提升業績 | New Trend of OMO Retail with integrated ERP & POS system
百年藥業革新 同仁堂零售管理數碼化 | Digital Transformation of Tong Ren Tang
香港品牌嘗琉珍 啟動O2O新零售模式 Local Hong Kong’s Brand – “TART ADDICT” O2O System Solution
資訊科技系統應用: 冷凍食品零售 All-in-One Systems for Frozen Food Retail Industry
Enhance Customer Experience with Omni-Channel Sales Strategy
Opportunity Out of the Adverse - Cloud ERP System & E-commerce Solution