By Techland Computer Systems Ltd.
02/16/2024 同仁堂是中國極具盛名的老字號中藥店,具有數百年歷史。自一九九一年至今,同仁堂已於香港開設了70多家分店,除了銷售藥材及中成藥外,部份分店更有資深中醫師駐診。歷史悠久並不代表傳統守舊,為了更有效管理店舖及日常業務運作,同仁堂最近引入了TecE 企業資源規劃 (ERP) 系統及POS零售管理系統,進行全面數碼化。
輕盈POS前端 簡潔易用
北京同仁堂香港藥業管理有限公司總經理梁定寧表示﹕「我們有70多間分店,TecE POS 零售管理系統,設計簡潔、易用,前線同事很輕易就能夠上手。另外,我們只要預先於系統內設定折扣、贈品或優惠計劃,客戶結帳時就會自動應用相關優惠,提升效率,也減少了人手出錯的機會。」
紮實ERP後台 全面管理工作流程
除了管理店舖的日常運作外,同仁堂亦利用TecE ERP系統,統一銷售、採購、庫存以及會計管理。TecE ERP系統與店舖POS系統連結,店舖可於系統檢查店內的貨存量,並向總店要求補貨,系統亦支援店舖之間的調貨功能,提供更大靈活性。結合採購管理模組,後勤同事能夠集中處理分店的補貨需求,進行统一採購和派貨,提高工作效率。
全渠道銷售趨勢 與時並進
另一方面,配合全渠道銷售的大趨勢,同仁堂亦設有網上商店,務求為顧客提供無間斷的購物體驗。同仁堂最近已計劃將電商網店與TecE 系統整合,達到於ERP系統內一站式管理線上、線下的訂單、配送及補貨採購流程。
詳盡分析資訊 業務發展得力
現今的資訊系統應用,除了協助日常營運外,於分析決策亦起著重要作用。梁定寧指出:「選用科域其中一個重要原因,是店舖的POS系統已直接連結到TecE ERP的銷售、會計及庫存模組。我們可以一覽各分店的銷售數據和表現。」系統為管理層提供精確和多角度的分析,對掌握消費者的喜好、制訂市場及業務發展策略都有很大幫助。
科域經驗豐富 實施過程流暢
Beijing Tong Ren Tang Hong Kong Medicine Management Limited (Tong Ren Tang) is a well-known Chinese medicine store with hundreds of year of history. Since 1991, Tong Ren Tang has opened more than 70 branches in Hong Kong. In addition to selling Chinese herbal medicine and drugs, there are also experienced Chinese medicine doctors in some branches. Long history does not mean old-style and conservation, Tong Ren Tang recently introduced the TecE ERP and POS system to manage their operation of stores and office efficiently.
Simple and User-Friendly POS Platform
"TecE POS system is simple and easy to use in design, so our front-line colleagues in over 70 branches can easily get started. In addition, once pre-set in the POS system, the relevant discounts or promotion offers will automatically apply while the customers check out. This can greatly improve our efficiency and reduces the chance of human error." Danny, general manager of Tong Ren Tang said.
Solid ERP Backbone for All-Round Workflow Management
Besides managing the daily operation of the store, Tong Ren Tang also uses TecE ERP system to centralize the management of sales, purchasing, inventory and accounting cycle. With the seamless linking of TecE ERP and POS system, The branches can check their inventory level in store and place the replenishment request to head office through the system. TecE POS system also supports the feature of goods transfer between branches which provide high flexibility. Combining with the procurement module, the staffs can centrally handle the stock replenishment request from all branches and carry out the procurement and distribution process efficiently.
Moving Forward with the Trend of Omni-Channel Sales
Omni-channel sales is the hottest trend now, Tong Ren Tang also has its online store which providing customers with all-round shopping experience. Tong Ren Tang recently planned to integrate its e-commerce web site with TecE ERP system which aim to one-stop manage all online and offline orders, distribution and replenishment procurement process.
Comprehensive analysis support business development
In addition to helping daily operations, Information system also play an important role in analysis and decision-making. "One of the important reasons for choosing Techland is that TecE POS system has been directly linked to the sales, accounting and inventory modules of ERP system. We can now have a full picture of the sales performance of each branch." Danny said. TecE ERP system also provides management with accurate and multi-angle analysis which help to understand the consumer buying preferences and formulate target marketing and business development strategy.
Extensive experience and smooth implementation process
As the deployment of system involve all retail stores, warehouse and various departments of office, a detail planning of system implementation was required. Project manager of Techland monitored the whole implementation process and provided constructive suggestions to Tong Ren Tang. With the extensive experience in system development and implementation, Techland help Tong Ren Tang implement the system smoothly and compatible with the operation workflow.
Techland Computer Systems Ltd.

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